When I make a doctor / dental appointment invariably I get one or two or three, sometimes 4 reminders. Some via email,
some via phone/voicemail, some as a text message. if I have an appointment seems to me that it is up to me to apply it to a
calendar and set my own reminders. I propose that when making an appointment one can select not to get reminders sent.
How come the vast majority of ecommerce websites REQUIRE you to include your email address? Suggest okay but require, no.
Eventually your phone will be getting invasive advertising calls.
Prescription drugs all come with warnings and generalized side effects and interactions. How about getting specific here so folks can make
informed decisions ( like 5% of folks taking this pill may get serious allergic reaction, ...) Why not, because facts might dissuade
the patient from buying them and hit the companies bottom.
Every other day when selecting TV shows to record the listing shows "To be announced". The current solution is to unplug the Tivo
and replug after a few seconds to get the upcoming shows to appear. Why? Hint: when I bought my Tivo box it came with unlimited
Tivo service for the life of the box. So perhaps are these annoyances being used to get me to buy a new Tivo box?
Why do many TV shows need to have background music? Seems to me that the there is no music playing when on site; why not have the
show portray the real situation? Some even have songs playing that have nothing remotely to do with the show and even provide a
link to download it. The staccato instrumental sounds during tense scenes is simply unbearable.